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Institute of Wing Chun Kung Fu

Excellent Education

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The Sharing of Knowledge

What is Wing Chun Kung Fu

Wing Chun was originally developed by a nun named Ng Mui.  Who in turn pass her knowledge to Yim Wing Chun.  This is how the style of Wing Chun was named after. Because of difference in sizes(Women vs Men.).  In order to be effective during a combat situation, the arts which Ng Mui develop has to be simple, direct and must have to have the immediate impact on the opponents.

Fast forward to 20th Century. The art learned by Yip Man. Who in turn brought the art to Hong Kong.  In the beginning, no one knew about the art, until those who challenge the style were defeat by the system badly.

One of Yip Man favourite student was Moy Yat. In whom was responsible for introducing the art to my sifu Greco Wong.  Whenever Moy Yat learn the new technique from Yip Man, he would need a training partner to practice on.  At that time, Greco Wong was practising White Crane style and Tai Chi.  So they would always get together during their free time. To train and also exchange idea.  This is when Greco Wong starting to expose to Wing Chun.  And it was the simplicity of the art that interested him. Whenever Moy Yat having tea with Yip Man, he would always bring Greco Wong along.  Until later when Moy Yat was away as a seaman, Greco Wong then continues to study with Yip Man.  

In 1965,  Moy Yat returns home and start his own Wing Chun school.  Logically, Greco Wong was the assistant coach for all the new student. During that period of time, he was responsible for introducing the art to every new student of Moy Yat.

In 1967, Greco Wong moved to England.  It was there where he taught one of his student: Rolf Clausnitzer.  Together in 1969, they were responsible for the very first time; wrote the very first book about Wing Chun to the Western society. The name of the book is called: Wing-Chun Kung-Fu Chinese Self-Defence Methods.  Today, I have seen this book in used condition, are fetching as much as hundred times from its original shelf price.

In the early 70's. Because of a job offer, Greco Wong moves to Nigeria. But he still continues to teach Wing Chun there.  In 1975, he settles in Canada and continues to teach Wing Chun until he officially retires from teaching in 2007.

Today, Greco Wong has student all over the major city of Canada.  This includes Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto.  As for the rest of world. He also has student in Taiwan, England, Nigeria, Brazil, Malaysia, New Zealand and of course, Hong Kong!

About Our Institution

Teaching Through Practice

Welcome to Institute of Wing Chun Kung Fu. We are based in Calgary, Alberta. Canada.

Managed and operated by Tom Ng. A long-time student, and with the approval of Greco Wong. Of whom is the direct disciple of Yip Man and Moy Yat.

The purpose of this club is to promote a friendly environment and continue the system of Yip Man, Moy Yat and Greco Wong.

Flexibility, Simplicity, Sensitivity, Explosive power are what the arts focus on.

Amounts of the students are not the intentions of this club. Instead, Sifu Ng would rather be spending his time on individual students who have an interest in the art.

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Opening Hours

Wednesday 7pm - 9pm.  Starting in August  2022

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